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FREE - Legal Services / Divorce / Modifications / Contempt / Lawyer (Boise) in Boise, Idaho For Sale

Price: $249
Type: Legals, For Sale - Private.

View images at: FREE - Legal Services / Divorce / Modifications / Contempt / Lawyer (Boise)
FREE - Consultation and with this I will give you :
FREE - PRO SE Self Help ...Step by Step - $249 Value - 5hour video, 2 1/2 hour audio classroom, 15 law school tutorials
CLICK the link below to find out more and/or purchase it yourself.
I have 4 years of legal experience in the field of FAMILY LAW:
** Divorce
** Contempts
** Modifications
I can prepare your documents and help you get your documents to the proper court and appropriate parties in the required amount of time. So, save your money; I will be your legal assistant.
I will provide you with the documents and knowledge to either do it on your own or will be happy to get it done for you.
> 4 years experience in the legal field
> Extensive knowledge in many areas of law with considerable expertise in family law, small claims and general civil suits
> Flat fee of -$25-$50/hr....Only a fraction % of the actual cost and I give you the WORD docs (Not PDF's) for your own use in the future.
>>>>>>>>> DON'T PAY $175-$250 / hr!
Looking forward to working with you.
> Know how to use the rules!
> Far too many good people lose in court because they don't know how to control the lawyer on the other side or the black-robed judge on the bench. They may have the "law on their side", but they will lose if they don't know how to control a deposition (for example) or when to proceed to deposition or how to draft a proper motion or why it's important to make courtroom objections, etc.
> Law school education cost tens of thousands and three years of diligent study.
> This information is from practical experience gained defeating crooked lawyers and controlling corrupt judges for 25-years is priceless!
> A Legal education and experience can be yours!
Location: Boise

State: Idaho  City: Boise  Category: Legals
Legals in Idaho for sale

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