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Cat Grooming Made Easy!! in Boise, Idaho For Sale

Type: Business, For Sale - Private.

We Make Happy & Healthy so Easy!
With it's Cat Calming abilities and ease of use, Our Healthy Kitty Bather is the absolute best Cat Grooming tool available!
If your choice is Brushing, Dry Bathing, Wet Bathing, Bathing for fleas, or Administering medication The Healthy Kitty Bather is the help you have been searching for!
For more Information visit About Healthy Kitty Bather Some contaminants are very harmful if swallowed by kitty . We have been rescuing cats for many, many years. Many with motor oil, thorns, & other dangerous contaminants. These cats we rescued required desperate attention in order to survive. They didn't have clean fur that was ok to be licked. We find that using our bather to administer medications to a suffering cat works awesomeness! The rescued cats are alive and in forever homes today because of our help. We have had many customers that buy our product to care for their cats in so many ways. Some to help diabetic cats, cats that are to old or heavy to reach everywhere needed. Some for adopted cats that enter a home with cats already present, not wanting to introduce unknown contaminants to their other cats. Some kittens rescued or adopted may be separated from their mothers far too early and do not get all of the training required to properly care for their coats and skin. Some overweight or geriatric cats may also have trouble reaching where they once could. This could cause them to reduce grooming or give up all together. Because we see a cat grooming herself, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't help. If someone was tirelessly working at something, wouldn't you want to help? Especially if it's your best friend. Most cats will help each other groom, we should help too. Safety and caring about all cats is what we are all about. Some have a need, others do not. We want to make sure that there is a humane way of caring for every cat that has a need, no matter how many there is that don't. It makes us happy!!

State: Idaho  City: Boise  Category: Business
Business in Idaho for sale

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